Wordt binnen 1-2 werkdagen verzonden.
Inclusief BTW en gratis verzending, 12 maanden garantie en responsieve ondersteuning.
$1,437.00 $1,105.00 Redden$332.00
  • Blue Bleu Blau Azul Blauw
  • Blue Bleu Blau Azul Blauw
  • Blue Bleu Blau Azul Blauw
  • Blue Bleu Blau Azul Blauw
  • Blue Bleu Blau Azul Blauw
  • Grey Grau Grigio Grijs Gris
  • Grey Grau Grigio Grijs Gris
  • Grey Grau Grigio Grijs Gris
  • Grey Grau Grigio Grijs Gris
  • Grey Grau Grigio Grijs Gris
  •  Ivory Elfenbein Marfil Avorio ivoor Ivoire
  •  Ivory Elfenbein Marfil Avorio ivoor Ivoire
  •  Ivory Elfenbein Marfil Avorio ivoor Ivoire
  •  Ivory Elfenbein Marfil Avorio ivoor Ivoire
  •  Ivory Elfenbein Marfil Avorio ivoor Ivoire
1 16


$1,437.00 $1,105.00 Redden$332.00
Inclusief btw. Verzending Wordt berekend bij het afrekenen.
De eerste 20" opvouwbare E-bike met carbon riemaandrijving, gemakkelijk mee te nemen en ruimtebesparend.
  • 16 kg lichtgewicht
  • Bereik tot 100 km
  • Koppelsensor
  • Koolstof riemaandrijving
  • Ondersteunt ADO Smart APP
  • Draagbare batterij
  • Hydraulische schijfrem

Limited Time Offer
Magnetische Magnetix-gesp voor ADO Air 20

Magnetische Magnetix-gesp voor ADO Air 20

Order The Air 20 Now And Receive Free Accessories As A Bonus!



Kleur: Blauw
Versie: CE-versie 250W
Maat - Voor ruiter - 150 ~ 170 cm (4'11" ~ 5'7")
Pay with Klarna:
Pay now. Direct Bank Transfer.
Pay in 30 days. Interest-free.
Pay over time. Monthly financing.
Buyer protection included.

The price shown includes the shipping fee and VAT. Prices in different countries may vary due to different shipping fees and VAT.

Kleur: Blauw
Versie: CE-versie 250W

AIR 20

  • Hydraulische schijfrem
  • Koppelsensor
  • 16kg Lichtgewicht
  • Bereik tot tot 100 km



AIR 20
Opvouwbaar en draagbaar

Stedelijke kolibrie

Het lichtgewicht ontwerp zorgt ervoor dat u hem gemakkelijk met één hand kunt optillen. Neem hem mee naar huis, naar het werk, in de auto of in de metro.

16 kg

Superlichtgewicht | Berijd de wind

Koolstofriem en koppelsensor

Maak je rit los

Laat vette kettingen achterwege voor de carbon drive-revolutie. De slimme koppelsensor zet elke beweging om in soepel motorvermogen.

2-30.000 km onderhoudsvrij

Soepel rijden | Bevrijd jezelf

Kleine maar krachtige batterij

Geniet van puur rijplezier

Biedt veelzijdigheid voor langere ritten en past toch in kleine ruimtes – zowel in het openbaar vervoer als op kantoor.

Bereik tot 100 km

Vrij rijden | Geniet volop


Stijlvol uiterlijk, betrouwbare functie

Waterdicht ontwerp met uitstekend zicht in zonlicht en levert alle essentiële ritgegevens.

Alles wat u nodig heeft in één weergave

Betere ervaring | Beste reispartner

Elk detail verfijnd

Details waar je dol op zult zijn in dit e-bike-meesterwerk.


Zorg voor betrouwbare remkracht onder alle weersomstandigheden en zorg voor soepel en betrouwbaar remmen.

Snel frame

Lichtgewicht en aerodynamisch voor verbeterde stabiliteit en comfort, ideaal voor zowel woon-werkverkeer als recreatieve ritten.

20-inch anti-lekbanden

1,95-inch brede banden bieden superieur aanpassingsvermogen en duurzaamheid voor stedelijke omgevingen.

E-Mark IPX5-koplamp

Heldere LED-koplampen met groothoekbundel voor beter zicht.

IPS 2,4'' kleurenscherm

Gemakkelijk afleesbaar scherm met een eenvoudige knop om te schakelen tussen 5 niveaus van trapondersteuningsmodus.

Koolstof riemaandrijving

Onderhoudsvrij, roestbestendig, stil en gebouwd voor langdurige prestaties.

Een soepele, pittige rit


Geniet van een responsieve boost, omdat elke beweging moeiteloos wordt omgezet in soepele gemotoriseerde ondersteuning door de koppelsensor.

Elegant fietsen


Ervaar tot 30.000 kilometer van onderhoudsvrij rijden. Zeg vaarwel tegen vette en roestige kettingen.

Intuïtieve kracht

Borstelloze naafmotor

Krijg een krachtige en stille boost. Ervaar topprestaties en efficiëntie.


"Ontworpen met al deze standaarden en waarschijnlijk in laboratoriaTodos los componenten van de ADO Air 20 "

"Ik vind het ontwerp geweldig en het gebruik van een koppelsensor, riemaandrijving en hydraulische remmen."

"Das leichte ADO Air fährt sich dadurch sehr dynamisch, Zwar liegt das vor allem am Antriebssystem."

"Ontworpen met al deze standaarden en waarschijnlijk in laboratoriaTodos los componenten van de ADO Air 20 "

"Ik vind het ontwerp geweldig en het gebruik van een koppelsensor, riemaandrijving en hydraulische remmen."


Slim rijden.

Macht zweefvliegen.

Communiceer rechtstreeks met ons team via het geïntegreerde helpcentrum.

Maak verbinding met de ADO-app om uw ritten in realtime vast te leggen en uw statistieken bij te houden.
Stuur de routebeschrijving rechtstreeks naar het geïntegreerde LCD-scherm voor naadloze navigatie.
Communiceer rechtstreeks met ons team via het geïntegreerde helpcentrum.

What Online Reviewers Say?


Model: ADO Air 20

This is a perfect commuter e-bike, it is super Portable super light you can bring it everywhere. The bike features a super quick torque sensor and thanks to the Lightning Fast Response


Model: ADO Air 20

Der Motor läuft super weich und leise. Das gefällt mir recht gut und ich bin glaube ich noch nie ein Fahrrad mit Riemen gefahren, was cool ist.


Model: ADO Air 20

You are gaining a fantastic bike here, excellent braking perfromance, very smooth, nice ride. ADO you have just picked up your quality alot!

De eerste 20” opvouwbare e-bike met carbon riemaandrijving, gemakkelijk mee te nemen en ruimtebesparend.

Air 20 PRO 2-63.2-59.7-63.2c-33.5,0-59.7,25-59.7,63.2 s26.2,63.2,59.7,63.2C1835.6,186,1861.8,161.1,1861.8,122.8z"> Air Carbon

"Rijd door de straten en vang elke blik."

Air 20 Ebike

Pair of Fenders

Air Battery

42V 2A Battery Charger

Installation Tool 

WarehouseDestinationShipping/transit timeShipping costsShipping carrierTracking
PolandEU Countries2-7 daysFree ShippingDPDhttps://www.dpd.com/tracking
GermanyEU Countries1-7 daysFree ShippingGO!https://www.general-overnight.com/
United KingdomUnited Kingdom48 hoursFree ShippingTuffnellshttps://www.tuffnells.co.uk/track-and-trace
ItalyEU Countries2-7 daysFree ShippingBRThttps://www.brt.it/en
United StatesUnited States2-5 daysFree ShippingFedExhttps://www.fedex.com/en-us/home.html
Indonesia  Indonesia2-7 daysFree ShippingETChttps://www.17track.net/en

Note: 1. The delivery time mentioned above is for most parcels under normal circumstances, with the exception of delays caused by extreme weather conditions or logistical issues.
2. Bikes are shipped from the warehouse mentioned above, while accessories such as helmets, fenders, and other items available for purchase on the website are shipped from China and typically take around 10-25 days for delivery.

Elektronische specificatie

  • Gemarkeerde kracht

    CE-versie: 250W

    Internationale versie: 250W

  • Piekvermogen

    CE-versie: 250W

    Internationale versie: 350W

  • Batterij

    36V/9.6  Ah

  • Koppel

    CE-versie: 37N.m

    Interversie: 42N.m

  • Oplaadtijd

    4-6 uur

  • Weergave

    IPS-kleur  Weergave

Algemene specificaties

  • Bereik

    Maximaal bereik van 100 km

  • Snelheid

    25 km/u

  • Certificaten

    SGS CE

  • Oponthoud


  • Overdragen


  • Bandenmaat

    20*1,95 inch  banden

  • Trapondersteuning


  • Intelligente assistentie

    Trapondersteuning niveau 0-3

  • Hoogten van de ruiter


  • Werktemperatuur


  • Netto gewicht



  • Kader

    Lichtgewicht aluminium frame

  • Remmen

    Hydraulische schijfremmen

  • Wielen

    Dubbelwandig aluminium

  • Vork


  • Koplamp

    IPX5 waterdicht 1200 lumen

  • Achterlicht

    Relector Achterlicht

  • Kettingring


  • Pedalen

    Opvouwbare pedalen

  • Zitting



  • MAAT (mm)
    Eén maat
  • A Lengte van de zitbuis
  • B Balhoofdbuislengte
  • C Bovenbuislengte
  • D Vorklengte
  • Ik Bereik
  • F Maximale zithoogte
  • G Minimale zithoogte
  • H Totaal  Lengte
  • I Max Stuur
  • J Mini Stuur
  • Ik Standover Hoogte
  • Ik  Wiel  Diameter
  • M Wielbasis
  • N Lengte van de liggende achtervork

Veelgestelde vragen

Is het mogelijk om de snelheid te veranderen? Is het weerbestendig?

ADO Air 20 heeft één versnelling. U kunt er echter voor kiezen om 3 niveaus van elektrische kracht te gebruiken om uw rit te ondersteunen. Bovendien is ADO Air 20 uitgerust met een slim koppelsensorsysteem dat u onmiddellijke krachtondersteuning biedt op basis van het terrein. In dit geval krijgt u, zelfs als u op een helling rijdt of de rit start, onmiddellijk de ondersteuning die u nodig hebt, zelfs met één versnelling.

Ja, de ADO Air 20 is IPX5 waterdicht en het IPS-scherm is IPX7 waterdicht. Alle elektronische componenten zijn afgedicht om binnendringen van zware regen en stof te voorkomen.

Is ADO Air 20-gecertificeerd?

Volgens SGS CE EN15194 en SGS UKCA voldoet de ADO Air 20 aan de eisen van: de Machinerichtlijn (2006/42/EG), de EMC-richtlijn (2014/30/EU) en de richtlijn radioapparatuur (2014/53/EU) en DIN EN 15194:2017. De ADO Air 20-accu voldoet aan de UN 38.3-testnormen voor lithium-ionaccu's.

Wat is het verschil tussen de internationale en de EU-versie?Welke optie is het beste voor mij?

Controleer de wetgeving voor e-bikes in uw land voordat u een beslissing neemt:

* EU-versie om te voldoen aan de wetgeving inzake e-bikes in de meeste EU-landen: geen gashendel geïnstalleerd, maximumsnelheid 25 km/u, piekvermogen 250 W.

* Internationale versie zonder beperkingen: gashendel geïnstalleerd, maximumsnelheid 30 km/u, piekvermogen 350 W.

Als u de internationale versie van ADO Air 20 binnen de EU bestelt, ontvangt u een oplader die voldoet aan de EU-specificaties. Maar het is officieel niet legaal om de ADO Air 20 internationale versie op de openbare weg in de EU te rijden. U mag hem alleen bezitten en ermee rijden op privéterrein.

Hoe lang is de garantieperiode?

Voor fietsframe, 5 jaar garantie; Voor controllers, motoren, batterijen, vorken, balhoofdbuizen, sturen, laders, pedalen, vliegwielen, liggende achtervorken: 12 maanden garantie. Mocht u tijdens deze periode een productiegerelateerd fabrieksfout tegenkomen, dan zullen wij deze volgens onze garantie verhelpen. Voor meer informatie kunt u contact opnemen met onze klantenserviceofficial@adoebike.comhttps://www.adoebike.com/warranty-policy/

Naar welk land mag worden verzonden?

Landen waarnaar wij gratis verzenden:Verenigde Staten (exclusief AK/HI/PR),Chili,Australië,Verenigd Koninkrijk, Spanje, Roemenië, Slovenië, Slowakije, Portugal, Italië, Polen, Nederland, Luxemburg, Litouwen, Ierland, Hongarije, Griekenland, Duitsland, Frankrijk, Finland, Estland, Denemarken, Tsjechië, Bulgarije, Kroatië, België, Oostenrijk

Welke betaalmethoden ondersteunt de website?

Paypal / Visa/ MasterCard / Bancontact / iDEAL / Klarna /Przelewy24/Giropay

Wereldwijd: Paypal/Visa/MasterCard

IDEAAL: Nederland
Giropay: Duitsland
Klarna: Verenigd Koninkrijk, Duitsland, Nederland, Spanje, Italië
Przelewy24: Polen

Customer Reviews

Based on 189 reviews
My New Air

I've just received my new AIR which was delivered very quickly (3 working days). It was very well boxed and protected. Everything that should have been in the box was in the box and the bike was easily assembled. The only issue I had, ironically, was fitting the front plastic fender which comes as standard. It was fiddly with 2 metal brackets that were not easy to bend into place. The rear fender was a doddle. The battery was almost fully charged when it arrived so I took it out for a test run.

First, the bike looks great in the Ivory I chose. Then it folds and unfolds easily and quickly. Everything is easily adjustable and the whole bike feels very well built and sturdy. Nothing rattles and the motor is really quiet. The display is easily visible in daylight and very clear. It took 2 or 3 attempts to link to the display via the app on my android but once linked the response is almost instant.

On the road the torque sensor provides instant response to pedal pressure. It's a delight to ride and I rarely needed speed setting 3 but this level makes inclines effortless and on the level provides instant acceleration. I am very pleased with the bike and can fully recommend it. I ordered the helmet to go with the bike and this looks great too. It's fully adjustable and has a tinted visor that clips to the helmet with three magnetic studs. All together, a really good purchase and great products. Well done ADO!


Bike itself is well built and a lovely ride with great features the control panel is also exceptional. I ordered an international version which the website states will arrive with a throttle fitted and the bike unlocked to full speed, this is not the case the throttle is sent separately and until fitted remains restricted hence the 3 stars for the misleading website info and hassle. The bike in itself is still awesome

Michael Moulsley (Warrington, GB)
Versatile eBike, ideal for city commutes

Having looked at a wide range of foldable ebikes, I settled on the ADO Air and am delighted.
It arrived only a few days after ordering it and was very easy to assemble so I was up and running in no time.
It's a torque assist bike so you do have to pedal - if you're looking for something you can just sit on and cruise along, this isn't it, however the assistance is great and even on level 3 (of 5) I was easily climbing hills without getting sweaty or out of breath. (The assist stops around 15-16mph and it's single speed so isn't designed to do fast paced riding but for trips to the shops or from the train to the office, it's perfect)
The bike folds quickly and is reasonably compact considering the fairly chunky tyres - I have yet to take it on a train but I don't think it'll be an issue.
The companion app shows promise and I'm looking forward to increased functionality and hopefully they can add more to the very clear display screen on the handlebars.
I'm really happy with my purchase and look forward to using the bike instead of the car as much as possible.

Robert Ogley (Islington, GB)
Ado air

So far so good ado as delivered everything I needed from a bike,light weight great stopping power and no more oily chain, only covered a few miles at the moment but I found the bike easy to use and very quiet in operation thanks for providing a great bike at a great price would definitely recommend this bike to anyone looking for a folding bike

Marius Nitu (Sector 4, RO)
Great bile overall

The build quality is on point. I have a few cons to mention hopefully they'll get better on future iterations. The saddle is abominably uncomfortable. It has no place on any bike never mind a 1500 euro bike. I m currently rehabbing my left leg i can not lift weights in this period. The assist when you re pushing the bike folded is super handy but the wheels do not stay together. The magnets for the wheels should be installed by default not a 20 euro accesory. But overall a great bike after you change the saddle. I get around 65km range with moderate hills and flat terrain on step 2 assist. I recommend it for anyone rehabbing leg injuries. C ya!

Hi Marius,

Thank you for taking the time to leave a review on the ADO Air 20 E-Bike. We're glad to hear that you are enjoying the overall build quality of the bike. We appreciate your feedback on the saddle and will definitely take it into consideration for future improvements. We're sorry to hear about your leg injury and hope that the assist feature is helpful during your rehabilitation. We will also pass along your feedback about the magnets for the wheels to our team. Thank you for recommending our bike to others and happy riding!

ADO Team

E-Bike Review With Front Disc Problems and No Gears

Overall Description
This e-bike is designed for urban and flat riding, but it has some significant issues that limit its functionality and comfort. Although it offers electric assistance to make pedaling easier, there are some shortcomings that should be carefully considered before purchasing.
Positive Points

1. Electric Assistance: Like all e-bikes, this one also offers electric assistance that makes pedaling easier, making the ride less tiring, especially in cities with many stops and starts. This is a great advantage for those looking for an alternative to a traditional bicycle without sacrificing ease of movement.

2. Urban Use: The lack of a gear may be tolerable for those who use the bike primarily in the city or on flat terrain. In these contexts, the electric assistance can partially compensate for the lack of gears to change gear.

Critical Points

1. Front Disc Problem: The presence of problems with the front disc brake is a serious concern. The constant noise while pedaling, the vibration on the handlebars, (due to a crooked disc) compromises the comfort of riding and hopefully does not represent a significant safety risk, especially in emergency braking situations.

2. Lack of Gears: The lack of a gear greatly limits the versatility of the e-bike. Without the ability to adjust the gears, the cyclist is forced to pedal with the same resistance regardless of the type of terrain. This can make riding less efficient and more tiring when climbing hills or when pedaling against the wind, even with the electric assistance active. The lack of gears can also reduce the control of speed and acceleration, affecting the overall riding experience.


Thank you for providing such a detailed review of the ADO Air 20. We're sorry to hear that you've encountered an issue with the front disc brake. Please reach out to our support team at support@adoebike.com and include any photos or videos that show the problem. Our team will work diligently to assist you and resolve this issue.

We also appreciate your feedback regarding the lack of gears. The Air 20 is designed as a single-speed bike specifically for urban riding, which may not be ideal for all riding needs. We understand that this could limit its versatility for some riders, and we truly appreciate your understanding.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us. We're here to help.

Best regards,
ADO Team

Jones (Prague, CZ)
Derek ado 20 air

Nice and smooth riding good quality
Shame no wired in rear light
The mobile holder should be cancelled or replaced with better quality. It’s rubbish and nearly broke my iPhone falling apart Not necessary to supply one really.
App is a bit tricky to connect to bike. Same with throttle.
Throttle is not great quality and doesn’t recoil properly
Overall the bike is very nice and folds nicely


Thank you for sharing your feedback on the Air 20 !

We're glad to hear that you find the ride comfortable and smooth, and that you appreciate the high quality of the bike. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the rear light not being wired.

Regarding the phone mount, we understand your frustration. It's concerning to hear that it almost damaged your iPhone. We'll definitely consider your suggestion to remove or improve the quality of the phone mount.

We also appreciate your comments about the app connection and the throttle. Your insights on the throttle quality and backlash are valuable, and we'll look into ways to enhance these features.

Overall, we're pleased that you find the bike very attractive and that the folding mechanism works well. Your feedback helps us improve, and we thank you for your detailed review!

Best regards,
ADO Team

Ben Anstandig (Pittsburgh, US)
Nice bike and great customer service

I bought this bike for my son who lives in a four story walk up in NYC. Although the bike is light and folds to compact dimensions, it is too heavy for carrying up and down four flights of stairs frequently. As configured, the bike is 45 pounds. This is 10 to 15 pounds lighter than many other foldable E-bikes. It's a good product and ADO's customer service is very good and responsive. I recommend the bike for those who don't have to carry it up and down many steps.


Thank you for your feedback! We're glad to hear that you appreciate the features of the Air 20 and find our customer service responsive. If you have any more insights or if there's anything else we can assist you with, feel free to reach out. Happy riding!

ADO Team

Michael Firchau

ADO Air 20 Folding Electric Bike

Hello Michael,

Thank you so much for your review! We're thrilled to hear that you're enjoying your Air 20 ebike. Your feedback means a lot to us and we're delighted to have provided you with a great experience. If you ever have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out. Happy riding!

Yours Sincerely,
ADO Team

Magnus Vikström (Sollentuna, SE)
Lovely Ebike

This ebike work as promised and i like it very much. Så much freedom . Also foldable so you can take it on bus/train/car /boat-. I tested them all. It is quality in this product

Hello Magnus,

Thank you for your positive feedback! We are delighted to know that you like your Air 20!
We work diligently to design and manufacture bikes that offer exceptional performance, comfort, and overall enjoyment to our customers. If you have any further feedback or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you again for choosing ADO, and we wish you all the best!

Yours Sincerely,
ADO Team