Spedizione in 1-2 giorni lavorativi.
IVA inclusa, spedizione gratuita, 12 mesi di garanzia e supporto reattivo.
€1.799 €1.499 Salva€300,00
  • Blue Bleu Blau Azul Blauw
  • Blue Bleu Blau Azul Blauw
  • Blue Bleu Blau Azul Blauw
  • Blue Bleu Blau Azul Blauw
  • Blue Bleu Blau Azul Blauw
  • Grey Grau Grigio Grijs Gris
  • Grey Grau Grigio Grijs Gris
  • Grey Grau Grigio Grijs Gris
  • Grey Grau Grigio Grijs Gris
  • Grey Grau Grigio Grijs Gris
1 11


€1.799 €1.499 Salva€300,00
Tax included. Spedizione calcolato al momento del pagamento.
Based on the Air 20 foundation, it offers enhanced performance and refined details, making it ideal for cycling enthusiasts.
  • BAFANG Auto-shifting Motor
  • Duel-sided Torque Sensor
  • Carbon Belt Drive
  • Range up to 100km
  • Lockout Suspension Fork
  • Supports ADO Smart APP
  • Portable Battery
  • Hydraulic disc Brake

Limited Time Offer
Borsa portaoggetti anteriore ADO da 4,5 litri

Borsa portaoggetti anteriore ADO da 4,5 litri

Order The Air 20 Pro Now And Receive Free Accessories As A Bonus!



Colore: Blu
VERSION: Versione CE 250W
Size - For rider - 150 ~ 200 cm (4'11" ~ 6'7")
Pay with Klarna:
Pay now. Direct Bank Transfer.
Pay in 30 days. Interest-free.
Pay over time. Monthly financing.
Buyer protection included.

The price shown includes the shipping fee and VAT. Prices in different countries may vary due to different shipping fees and VAT.

Colore: Blu
VERSION: Versione CE 250W


  • Motore con cambio automatico BAFANG
  • Sensore di coppia
  • Trasmissione a cinghia in carbonio
  • Autonomia fino a 100 km
Mozzo cambio interno automatico BAFANG

Sì, cambio automatico!

Il sistema a doppia velocità del motore BAFANG semplifica senza sforzo la salita e spiana i terreni difficili. Ogni pedale è fluido, scivola nell'aria con facilità.

  • Cambio automatico


  • Efficienza


  • Coppia potente





Salite facili

Doppia velocità automatica

Il sistema automatico a doppia velocità del motore posteriore regola le marce in base alla velocità, garantendo un'accelerazione fluida da fermo e una salita senza sforzo. La forcella ammortizzata con blocco regolabile è progettata per la versatilità, migliorando il controllo su terreni diversi e facilitando le salite in salita.

Vai oltre


Scopri la sinergia del motore a coppia elevata di BAFANG e del sensore di coppia avanzato. Aumenta l'efficienza della tua e-bike del 10%, consentendoti viaggi più lunghi con una singola carica. Sperimenta un controllo silenzioso e fluido per un'avventura ecologica.

Guidare in sicurezza
Sentiti a tuo agio

Indicatori di direzione posteriori

Gli indicatori di direzione posteriori integrati migliorano la sicurezza e la visibilità con una semplice pressione, mentre i parafanghi in alluminio ti proteggono dagli schizzi, garantendo una guida asciutta e confortevole.


Hydraulic Disc Brakes

Hydraulic disc brakes deliver powerful stopping power in all weather conditions. You can always be in control with the adjustable lockout suspension fork and the true comfort of a Dutch style-frame.

Caratteristiche Dettagli innovativi e potenti

Costruita sulla base Air 20, presenta prestazioni migliorate e dettagli raffinati per gli appassionati di ciclismo.
  • Sicurezza
  • Versatilità
  • Convenienza
Freni a disco idraulici
Freni a disco idraulici
Telaio TerraForm
Telaio TerraForm
Pneumatici antiforatura da 20 pollici
Pneumatici antiforatura da 20 pollici
Faro anteriore E-Mark IPX5
Faro anteriore E-Mark IPX5
Blocco batteria
Blocco batteria
Forcella di sospensione con blocco
Forcella di sospensione con blocco
Motore BAFANG Auto-shifting
Motore BAFANG Auto-shifting
Trasmissione a cinghia in carbonio
Trasmissione a cinghia in carbonio
APP intelligente ADO
APP intelligente ADO
Sensore di coppia bifacciale
Sensore di coppia bifacciale
Schermo a colori IPS da 2,4''
Schermo a colori IPS da 2,4''
Indicatori di direzione posteriori integrati
Indicatori di direzione posteriori integrati
pre-installare il telaio posteriore
pre-installare il telaio posteriore
Parafango in alluminio
Parafango in alluminio
Batteria a lunga autonomia
Batteria a lunga autonomia


"Das Wichtigste an einem Klappfahrrad ist der Klappmechanismus. Und der ist beim Ado Air 20 Pro sehr durchdacht. "

"Dabei schaltet der Getriebemotor vollautomatisch zwischen den beiden Gängen. In der Praxis funktioniert das wunderbar."

"ADO Air 20 Pro a tout pour plaire. il embarque un certain nombre de technologies assez rares dans cette gamme de prix. "

"Das Wichtigste an einem Klappfahrrad ist der Klappmechanismus. Und der ist beim Ado Air 20 Pro sehr durchdacht. "

"Dabei schaltet der Getriebemotor vollautomatisch zwischen den beiden Gängen. In der Praxis funktioniert das wunderbar."


Guida intelligente.

Volo a vela potente.

Comunica con il nostro team direttamente attraverso il centro assistenza integrato.

Connettiti con l'app ADO per registrare le tue corse in tempo reale e tenere traccia delle tue statistiche.
Trasmetti le indicazioni direttamente al display LCD integrato per una navigazione senza interruzioni.
Comunica con il nostro team direttamente attraverso il centro assistenza integrato.

What Online Reviewers Say?


Model: ADO Air 20 Pro

Richtig gut gefallen haben und das ist einem voran ist hier natürlich das gute Fahrgefühl anzuführen. Das verdanken wir dem Riemenantrieb in Kombination mit dem Motor im Hinterrad.

Basata sulla fondazione Air 20, offre prestazioni migliorate e dettagli raffinati, che la rendono ideale per gli appassionati di ciclismo.

Air 20 PRO5z M157.3,144.3l-28.4-70.8 l-28.4,70.8H157.3z"> 5z">

"Percorri le strade e cattura ogni sguardo."


Air 20 Pro Ebike

Pair of Fenders

Air Battery


Installation Tool


42V 2A Battery Charger


Rear Rack


Battery Lock


Magnetic Magnetix Buckle


Rear Rack

WarehouseDestinationShipping/transit timeShipping costsShipping carrierTracking
PolandEU Countries2-7 daysFree ShippingDPDhttps://www.dpd.com/tracking
GermanyEU Countries1-7 daysFree ShippingGO!https://www.general-overnight.com/
United KingdomUnited Kingdom48 hoursFree ShippingTuffnellshttps://www.tuffnells.co.uk/track-and-trace
ItalyEU Countries2-7 daysFree ShippingBRThttps://www.brt.it/en
United StatesUnited States2-5 daysFree ShippingFedExhttps://www.fedex.com/en-us/home.html
Indonesia  Indonesia2-7 daysFree ShippingETChttps://www.17track.net/en

Note: 1. The delivery time mentioned above is for most parcels under normal circumstances, with the exception of delays caused by extreme weather conditions or logistical issues.
2. Bikes are shipped from the warehouse mentioned above, while accessories such as helmets, fenders, and other items available for purchase on the website are shipped from China and typically take around 10-25 days for delivery.

Specifiche elettroniche

  • Potenza marcata


  • Potenza di picco


  • Batteria

    36V/9.6  Ahi

  • Acceleratore


  • Tempo di ricarica

    4-6 ore

  • Display

    Colore IPS  Display

  • Coppia


Specifiche generali

  • Allineare

    100 km di autonomia massima

  • Velocità

    25 chilometri all'ora

  • Certificati

    SGS CE

  • Sospensione

    Ammortizzatore forcella anteriore regolabile

  • Trasmissione


  • Misura Pneumatici

    20*1,95 pollici  pneumatici

  • Assistenza alla pedalata

    Sensore di coppia

  • Assistenza intelligente

    Assistenza alla pedalata da 0 a 3 livelli

  • Altezze del cavaliere


  • Temperatura di lavoro


  • Peso netto

    18 chili

Specifiche dei componenti

  • Telaio

    Telaio in alluminio leggero

  • Freni

    Freni a disco idraulici

  • Ruote

    Alluminio a doppia parete

  • Forchetta


  • Faro

    IPX5 impermeabile 1200 lumen

  • Fanale posteriore

    Fanale posteriore catarifrangente

  • Anello a catena

    Cintura di carbonio

  • Pedali

    Pedali pieghevoli

  • Posto a sedere



    Taglia unica
  • UN Lunghezza del tubo sella
  • B Lunghezza del tubo di sterzo
  • C Lunghezza del tubo superiore
  • D Lunghezza della forcella
  • E Portata
  • F Altezza massima del sedile
  • G Altezza minima del sedile
  • H Totale  Lunghezza
  • IO Manubrio Max
  • J Mini manubrio
  • E Altezza standover
  • L  Ruota  Diametro
  • M Passo
  • N Lunghezza del carro posteriore

Domande frequenti

Quali sono le differenze tra Air 20 Pro e Air 20?

Air 20 Pro e Air 20 si distinguono per diverse caratteristiche chiave:

1. Tipo di motore: l'Air 20 Pro è dotato di un motore Bafang per una maggiore efficienza e prestazioni in salita.
2. Sistema di guida: dotato di trasmissione automatica, l'Air 20 Pro offre cambi di velocità più fluidi e un'esperienza di guida senza sforzo rispetto all'Air 20.
3. Luci di direzione posteriori: esclusive dell'Air 20 Pro, queste luci migliorano la sicurezza fornendo una chiara segnalazione agli altri utenti della strada, migliorando la visibilità e la sicurezza.
4. Forcella ammortizzata con blocco: regolabile in base al terreno, per un bilanciamento efficiente e confortevole.
5. Parafanghi in alluminio: offrono una protezione duratura, mantenendoti asciutto e migliorando il comfort di guida.

Questi miglioramenti rendono l'Air 20 Pro una scelta più avanzata, offrendo prestazioni, sicurezza e versatilità superiori per un'ampia gamma di condizioni di guida.

Quanto dura il periodo di garanzia?

Per il telaio della bici, 5 anni di garanzia; Per controller, motori, batterie, forcelle, tubi di sterzo, manubri, caricabatterie, pedali, volani, foderi orizzontali: 12 mesi di garanzia. Se durante questo periodo dovessi riscontrare qualche difetto di fabbricazione correlato alla produzione, ce ne occuperemo in base alla nostra garanzia. Per maggiori dettagli, contatta il nostro servizio clientiofficial@adoebike.comhttps://www.adoebike.com/warranty-policy/

In quale paese è consentita la spedizione?

Paesi in cui spediamo gratuitamente: Stati Uniti (esclusi AK/HI/PR), Cile, Australia, Regno Unito, Spagna, Romania, Slovenia, Slovacchia, Portogallo, Italia, Polonia, Paesi Bassi, Lussemburgo, Lituania, Irlanda, Ungheria, Grecia, Germania, Francia, Finlandia, Estonia, Danimarca, Repubblica Ceca, Bulgaria, Croazia, Belgio, Austria

Quali metodi di pagamento supporta il sito Web

Paypal / Visa/ MasterCard / Bancontact / iDEAL / Klarna /Przelewy24/Giropay

In tutto il mondo: Paypal/Visa/MasterCard

Contatto: Belgio
IDEALE: Paesi Bassi
Giropay: Germania
Klarna: Regno Unito, Germania, Paesi Bassi, Spagna, Italia
Przelewy24: Polonia

Customer Reviews

Based on 90 reviews
Naturheilpraxis Manfred Kaiser (Bad Worishofen, DE)

I am exited, because of the ado air 20 pro with the automatic gear change motor from Bafang.

Stephan Michael Huber (Basel, CH)
First Rides, First Impressions

Hi, we've just got our two ADO Air 20 Pros and did some first test rides. The bikes' look is fantastic and the built quality seems to match it. The ride is very comfortable and the Bafang motor works very well. I still have to get used to not having a proper gear shift but for our purpose - commuting - it's fine and relaxed. However two issues popped up for which I haven't found an answer on the www yet. Firstly, I could not find the information on how many kilometres/miles are left on the battery charge during a ride. This information is quite critical as I don't want to run out of battery on my commute. Secondly, we bought range extenders in form of a water bottle. It comes with a very nice and sturdy "bottle" holder. Unfortunately the ADO Air 20 Pro does not have screw sets incorporated into the frame though screws are included. The cable straps also included in the package are of good quality but the form of the frame does not allow a tight fit. The bike is great if only I had a solution for these two issues. Hope this review is of good use for potential buyers as well as for your product developer. Thanks and best regards, Stephan

Karsten Schenk (Nuremberg, DE)
Great bike, trumendeous quality, well equipped

Just received (as one of the first buyers) my brand new ADO AIR Pro, it has been arrived almost complety installed, metal fenders, metal rack, very good hydraulic brakes, big size battery for a folding bike (350 Wh in seatpost)
The complete bike is build with an impressive quality, absolutely stable, top anthracite varnish. Any ride is an enjoyment. Most awesome for me is the gearbox inside the motor. Originally the Ado Air is a single speed, but the PRO has a two shift gearbox. when it reaches 19.5 km/h it shifts into 2nd gear, and falls back to 1st gear by roughly 16 -17 km/h. This works really reliable and smooth, it makes me able to have a lower cadence at higher speed. I am really impressed on this innovation from Bafang. Never had seen this before.
I am really impressed of ADO AIR PRO, and 100% satisfied.

Hi Karsten, thank you for taking the time to leave such a positive review for the ADO Air 20 Pro. We are happy to hear that you are enjoying your new bike and that it has exceeded your expectations in terms of quality and features. Thank you for your support. Happy riding!

Maurice Bertenshaw (Dundee, GB)
Cycling made easy

Being in my seventies I wanted the assistance of an Ebike, I made the right decision with the Ado air 20 Pro, loving the assist on hills I would of struggled with.
I have changed the saddle as again being older I need more cushion.
All round great bike, yet to try lifting it into the car but as the battery post is easily removed to lighten the lift it should not be a problem.

Hi there,

Thank you for your feedback on the ADO Air 20 Pro. We're glad to hear that the bike has been a great assistance, especially on hills, and that you're enjoying its features.

We appreciate your suggestion regarding the saddle. Your comfort is important to us, and we will take your feedback into account for future improvements.

If you have any more comments or need further assistance, please let us know.

Best regards,
ADO Team

Wolfgang Krell (Berlin, DE)
ohne Elektrik außerordentlich schwergängig

Das Fahrrad ist gut verarbeitet, elegant geformt und erfüllt alle versprochenen Eigenschaften.
Durch 2 Dinge wird der Fahrspaß beeinträchtigt:
1. Der Hinterbau einschließlich Sattel ist völlig ungefedert. Auch kleinste Unebenheiten schlagen in den Rücken. Übliche Sattelfederungen (z.B.Trapez) sind wegen der Akkustütze nicht einbaubar. Abhilfe haben eine Federdrahtfeder und ein gefederter Sattel gebracht. Die Alltagstauglichkeit und die Freude am Fahren wurde dadurch wesentlich erhöht.
2. Das Fahren ohne Elektrounterstützung ist außerordentlich schwergängig. Ich hoffe, dass ich niemals ohne Elektrounterstützung fahren muss.

Hallo Wolfgang,

vielen Dank für Ihr Feedback und Ihre konstruktiven Vorschläge.

Wir freuen uns, dass Sie mit der Verarbeitung und dem Design des Fahrrads zufrieden sind. Wir bedauern jedoch, dass der Fahrspaß durch die genannten Punkte beeinträchtigt wird.

Ihre Anmerkung zur Federung haben wir zur Kenntnis genommen. Wir werden Ihre Vorschläge sorgfältig prüfen und überlegen, wie wir zukünftige Modelle weiter verbessern können. Wir verstehen Ihre Bedenken bezüglich der Fahrt ohne elektrische Unterstützung. Ihr Feedback ist sehr wertvoll für uns und wird uns helfen, unsere Produkte weiter zu optimieren.

Falls Sie weitere Fragen oder Anliegen haben, zögern Sie bitte nicht, uns zu kontaktieren. Wir sind immer für Sie da.

Beste Grüße,
ADO Team

Terry Ryan (Swansea, GB)
Air 20 Pro

I ordered the bike and the money disappeared from my account but the bike never arrived within the given time frame. After I finally got a reply to my emails, I was told that the bike was out of stock but would be back in stock and shipped by the end of the week. Surely it would be easy enough to state whether the item is in stock or not on the web site?
The bike though, I am quite pleased with, it does everything I expected of it. There are one or two minor gripes though. The handbook I received is for the Air 20 but I have the Air 20 Pro, so some information applicable to the Pro model is non existent. There are no instructions on how to operate the lights etc. on the screen, you have to find out for yourself. My last point is that it is disappointing that the readout on the screen is only in metric. Call me old fashioned but I still work in miles, not kilometres, like the rest of the UK.
On the whole though I am pleased with the bike.

Hi Terry,

Thank you for your valuable feedback, and we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by the stock issue. We’ll definitely work on improving our communication regarding availability on the website.

We also appreciate your input about the handbook and will make sure to improve the documentation for the Air 20 Pro. If you have any questions about operating the lights or any other features, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re more than happy to assist you.

Thank you again for your understanding and support, and we’re glad to hear you’re enjoying the bike overall!

Best regards,
ADO Ebike Team

Didier GUIOT (Liège, BE)
A propos de l'Ado Air 20

L’Ado Air 20 est un vélo extraordinaire, il m’a jusqu’à présent permis d’effectuer près de 2500 Km sur tout type de chemin de relief et par tous les temps. Je suis en général chargé voyez plutôt ! L’assistance électrique n’est pas utilisée en continue, cela ne pose aucun problème tant il a été bien étudier et relativement bien équilibré du point de vue rapport. Ce modèle ne possède en effet, qu’une seule vitesse. Je possède une moto électrique que j’ai totalement délaissée depuis que j’utilise l’Ado Air 20 avec lequel je prends énormément de plaisir à voyager. Je n’ai pas de points négatifs à relever, pour son prix, vous obtenez un vélo fiable très agréable en toutes circonstances. J’ai apporté à ce vélo des modifications qui me semblaient justifiée par l’usage intense que j’en fait (phares, selle, suspension de selle, arrimage de caddie). Pour la grande majorité des gens, il sera au top tel que reçu ! A mon humble avis, peu de personne, font avec un vélo 20’’ pliant, 2500 km en moins de six mois ! Je tiens également à souligner le professionnalisme du service après-vente, qui n’a pas hésité à me remplacer le premier vélo reçu, qui comportait une anomalie pour laquelle leur responsabilité n’était pas clairement établie. En résumé, si vous chercher un vélo fiable, agréable, à acheter auprès d’une équipe réactive et compétente, n’hésitez pas. Pour ma part, je lorgne déjà leur nouveau modèle.

Cher Didier GUIOT

Nous sommes absolument ravis de lire votre avis sur l'ADO Air 20 ! Vos 2500 km parcourus en tous genres de conditions et avec un chargement conséquent témoignent de la robustesse et de la polyvalence de ce vélo.

C'est particulièrement gratifiant de savoir que vous appréciez autant l'équilibre du vélo. Votre passion pour le vélo électrique et votre décision de privilégier l'ADO Air 20 à votre moto électrique sont un véritable compliment pour notre équipe.

Nous sommes également très heureux d'apprendre que vous avez pu personnaliser votre vélo pour répondre à vos besoins spécifiques. Vos modifications démontrent à quel point l'ADO Air 20 est adaptable et peut s'adapter à différents styles de conduite.

Votre expérience avec notre service après-vente est également très importante pour nous. Nous sommes fiers de pouvoir vous offrir un service de qualité et de résoudre rapidement les éventuels problèmes.

Nous sommes impatients de vous voir explorer de nouveaux horizons avec votre ADO Air 20, et peut-être même avec notre nouveau modèle ! N'hésitez pas à partager vos prochaines aventures avec nous.

Merci encore pour votre confiance et votre fidélité.

L'équipe ADO Bike

Anonymous (Hildesheim, DE)

Nach fast drei Wochen Wartezeit ist das Fahrrad nun endlich eingetroffen. Natürlich ohne Benachrichtigung durch die Spedition. Das Fahrrad ließ sich leicht zusammenbauen und macht qualitativ einen guten Eindruck. Den Punktabzug gibt es für den katastrophalen Versand und die Kommunikation.

Hallo Ralf,

Vielen Dank für Ihr ehrliches Feedback und Ihre Geduld während der Wartezeit. Es tut uns leid zu hören, dass der Versand und die Kommunikation nicht Ihren Erwartungen entsprochen haben – das ist nicht der Standard, den wir anstreben.

Es freut uns jedoch, dass Sie mit der Qualität des Fahrrads. Wir nehmen Ihr Feedback sehr ernst und werden unsere Versand- und Kommunikationsprozesse weiter verbessern, um solche Unannehmlichkeiten in Zukunft zu vermeiden.

Falls Sie noch Fragen oder Anliegen haben, stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Freude mit Ihrem neuen Fahrrad!

Beste Grüße,
ADO Team

Emilio Jiménez (Munich, DE)
The perfect foldable bike

First of all, I initially purchased the Air20 and unexpectedly the day after, Ado announced the new Pro version with added features that in my opinion make this bike unique. The customer service was very supportive and helped me a lot through the porcess of upgrading my order to the new version. A million thanks for that!
Now hands on, what can I say, the Bike looks gorgeous and way above my expectations, built with care and premium materials. It is an extremely pleasant ride! silent, comfortable, swift and excellent handling on every situation. Special mention to this new engine. It is trully cappable against slopes just as advertised, it can deal with anything effortless. A big surprise! Thanks for creating such an amazing product.

Hi Emilio,
Thank you so much for your enthusiastic feedback! We're thrilled to hear that you're enjoying your experience with the Ado Pro foldable bike. We're delighted that you appreciate the added features and the seamless upgrade process from the Air20 to the Pro version.
At Ado, we're committed to providing top-notch customer service and delivering products that exceed expectations. It's fantastic to hear that you find the bike gorgeous, well-crafted, and exceeding your expectations in terms of performance.
Thank you for choosing Ado, and we're grateful for your support and kind words. Happy riding!
ADO Team

Zarko Dulcic (Zagreb, HR)

Excellent bike